world's healthiest fruit
Today, we're settling an important topic. 'Which fruit is the best fruit?' Now you gotta hear me out here, because I'm making the video, which means you really don't have a say in this debate. But it it's not a debate; it's just fact. But I would like if you went and paused the video right now and go comment what you think the best fruit is.
Go ahead, I'll wait. Did you do it? Probably not. But that's ok! I bet you already thought about what your favorite fruit might be. Maybe you are keeping it simple, with an apple, or an orange. Perhaps you're a fan of tropical fruits like mango or pineapple. And maybe you're a little pretentious and decide to go with something weird like a dragonfruit.
That's a very impressive fruit! I... I'm very impressed! You can pick pretty much any fruit you want to be your favorite, really, except for a lemon. That's just not right... You're sick. No, no thanks. Anyways, all of these are wrong. I didn't ask about what your favorite was. I asked for the best. And the best is a tomato! Whaaaaaaaat?! For clarification, a fruit is the seed-bearing structure formed from the ovary of a flowering plant. Wait, whaa...?!Plants have ovaries? Which means tomatoes are, uh, l-legally fruits.
But you probably already knew this. But this also means that cucumbers, bell peppers, eggplants, pumpkins, and even avocados are all fruits. WHAA?! I've been lied to my whole life! Not really. People seem to associate sweetness with fruit and savory with vegetables. I associate vegetables with grossness. Got... got them!I... I've got them..." Ay... Stop. Don't do that. But now, with all this new information in mind, look at all these fruit options we have! All of these are fruit.
But tomatoes are still the winner. Why? Here's some important factors. Tomatoes are in many dishes enjoyed by everyone, even people who claim to not like tomatoes! They make great sauce for pasta, they're a key ingredient to pizza, you can make salsa, bruschetta, you can make grilled tomatoes... put them on a bun. (not common, but I'd eat it!) But if you don't like something like bananas, you pretty much steer clear of everything that has bananas, because they don't transform like tomatoes do.
They're so versatile! We use them to eat, we drink them, look, Spain loves them so much they're throwing em' at each other every year! I don't see no durian fights. They're too sharp and when they open they smell like corpses! While tomatoes are soft and fleshy, and they smell like.. NOT corpses! They're also the most consumed fruit in the world, 60 million tonnes produced a year! That number pretty much means nothing to most of us, but hey! Th-that's a lot! (I think) They're makin' lots! They must be good! And look at all these colors they come in! There's red, yellow, purple, green.
Is that one ripe? Ma-Maybe wait a bit! Assuming many of you guys might be millenials, I think it may interest you that tomatoes are 100% vegan! *gasp!* I do like that! Now, this wouldn't be fair if we didn't cover some negatives. And I couldn't think of any, so I looked some up. *clears throat* "Tomatoes taste like blood." Okay, I was gonna question why you know what blood tastes like, but I totally thought, "Hm! Blood kinda tastes like coins!" And now I'm wondering why I know what blood AND coins taste like... "Tomatoes have poisoned many people.
" Okay, half true. 200 years ago they were eating them off lead plates and people were dying, but I mean, you're putting a fleshy acidic fruit... on top of a lead plate. That one's kind of on you guys! "Overconsumption of tomatoes can lead to acid reflux, kidney problems, irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea, urinary pr-" Wow, there is a lot, we're gonna- we're gonna stop th- Hey guys, we're all outta time! There are no real negatives! They're perfect! Thanks for watching my video! If you guys liked what you saw, feel free to drop a like or hit that little subscribe button! Join me next time for: "What the Hell is Corn?" Seriously, is it a vegetable? A fruit? A grain? I don't know, but it's delicious!